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The Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame was developed to recognize outstanding Sylvania graduates, offering community members, educators, and current students an opportunity to appreciate thealums’s nature of our alumni’s accomplishments. Each year a commit,tee of alumni, teachers and Foundation trustees choose nominees for the Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame.



  1. All candidates must be nominated on the official Hall of Fame application form below.

  2. Nominees must meet the following criteria to be considered:

    1. Be a graduate of the Sylvania Schools      

    2. Achieved local, state, or national recognition

    3. Have graduated 10 years before the current year 

    4. Made significant contributions to mankind

    5. Can be living or deceased 

    6. Must be of excellent character 

The Sylvania Schools Foundations accepts nominations for the Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame throughout the year. Nominations received by October 31 will be considered for the Hall of Fame the following March. All nominations remain active for two additional years if not selected in the first year.

Distiguished Alumni HOF Inductees


The Hall of Fame was organized to maintain the rich heritage and tradition of successful athletic programs at Burnham, Sylvania, Sylvania Northview, and Sylvania Southview High Schools. In addition, it will serve as a means of recognizing, preserving, and honoring athletes, coaches, and individuals who made significant contributions to our athletic programs while distinguishing themselves as outstanding adults in their respective communities/careers. 




  1. All candidates must be nominated on the official Hall of Fame application form below.

  2. The candidate must be eligible in one of the following categories:

    1. If an ATHLETE, the nominee must wait at least ten (10) years from the time of his/her class graduation from one of the Sylvania High Schools.

    2. If a COACH, the nominee, must have served a minimum of five (5) years and be retired at least five (5) years

    3. If a SCHOOL OFFICIAL, the nominee must be separated from Sylvania Schools for five (5) years and have made outstanding contributions to the athletic program during his/her tenure.

    4. If a COMMUNITY MEMBER, the nominee will be considered if they have made ongoing, outstanding contributions to the athletic programs at Sylvania High Schools

    5. If an ATHLETIC TEAM, the nominee must wait at least fifteen (15) years from the year of achievement and will be considered if it has achieved a state Championship or ALL Ohio recognition. Teams with District or Regional titles may also be considered.

  3. Honorary nominees must have made significant voluntary contributions to the betterment of Sylvania High Schools. An individual's contribution must be so outstanding that there is no question as to his/her qualifying for the HOF. 

These guidelines were adapted and implemented for nominations after the Hall of Fame Class of 2020. Any inductees before this date who were inducted were awarded under previous guidelines.



Over the last decade, the Foundation has partnered with Sylvania Schools to improve facilities.

Mel Nusbaum Stadium

Wall of Fame

Wall of Fame

Northview Promedica
Wellness Center

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