In 1985, the Sylvania Schools Academic Excellence Foundation (AEF) was established through the generous bequeath of Augustus Zimmerman, a retired Sylvania Schools custodian. Through four decades, AEF engaged with the Sylvania Schools community through teacher grants, student scholarships, academic project funding and more.
The Sylvania Schools Athletic Foundation was established in 2008 to honor the achievements of Sylvania athletes. The two organizations merged to become the Sylvania Schools Foundation in 2018 in the pursuit of common goals to enhance and elevate the Sylvania Schools student experience inside and outside the classroom.
The Foundation supports students, staff, and alumni in a number of ways:
Awards funds for teacher grants, staff professional development, and student scholarships
Supports facility and/or equipment improvement projects in the areas of academics, arts, and athletics
Engages alumni and provides a connection with the District
Recognizes alumni through both a Distinguished and Athletic Hall of Fame
The mission of the Foundation is to engage our community and alumni in improving the student experience by enhancing academic, art, and athletic initiatives.
The vision of the Foundation is to raise funds that elevate the student experience through programs, scholarships, equipment, and facilities.
The purpose of the Foundation is to support the development and implementation of school improvement initiatives, model programs, award grants, and scholarships, and leverage community resources to support, strengthen, and improve public education in the Sylvania Schools. The Foundation will provide residents of the district, the extended Sylvania Schools community, and others the opportunity to partner with the Sylvania Schools Board of Education and the Sylvania Schools in a common goal of improving public education. The outcome of this collaboration will be high-quality educational initiatives designed to meet the needs of Sylvania Schools’ students, as identified by the school district and the individual schools.
The Foundation exists as a separately incorporated, charitable organization. As a public charity, all contributions to the Foundation under section 501(c)(3) of the internal revenue code of 1986, as amended (the code), will receive the maximum tax deduction allowed by law.
As an independent entity, it will enhance the existing educational programs of the Sylvania Schools. The Sylvania Schools Board of Education shall not use the funds received by the Foundation to supplant any part of the regular operating budget.
All money accumulated in the Foundation will be used to enrich the education and extracurriculars to enhance every student's experience so every student can reach his or her potential. However, the Sylvania Schools Board of Education is the responsible overseer of public education in the community. As such, both entities will work cooperatively.
The goals of the Foundation shall include but not be limited to the following:
To serve as a community-wide vehicle for academic, alumni, arts, and athletic awareness
To provide a vehicle for the Sylvania Schools residents and other contributors to give money to support long-term capital, building, facility, and equipment needs
To endow and administer scholarship awards for graduating seniors and other students
To encourage teachers, staff, and students through mini-grants and or matching programs to seek classroom solutions and enrich the curriculum through innovation, research, professional growth, and supporting materials
To support programs and events that encourage and increase the involvement of parents and community members in the Sylvania Schools
To endow selected special programs and or district initiatives outside of the realm of normal funding
The Foundation was founded in 1985 to enhance the educational and extracurricular programs of the Sylvania Schools. It supports innovative programs, partnerships, and collaborations to improve the quality of education and extracurriculars for all students in the Sylvania Schools. The Foundation works with but is independent of the Sylvania Schools.
President - Dave Spiess - dspiess@hotmail.com
Vice President Academics - Nadia Swade - nadiaswade@yahoo.com
Vice President Alumni - Baron Black - baron@actsystemsltd.com
Secretary - Ann Francis - annpfrancis@yahoo.com
Treasurer - Madison Decator - mdecator@signaturebankna.com
Jim Nusbaum - jnusbaum@barrybagels.com
Chris Offenburg - lifecelebrationsdj@gmail.com
Tom Runnells - Tr10scout@aol.com
Rich MacMillan - macmillan@compuserve.com
Austin Serna - austinserna@rocketmail.com
Elisa Huss-Hage- elisahusshage@gmail.com
Superintendent - Dr. Veronica Motley - vmotley@sylvaniaschools.org
Board Representative - Julie Hoffman - jhoffman@sylvaniaschools.org
Board Representative- Tammy Lavalette - tlavalette@sylvaniaschools.org
Adam Koch- Treasurer of Sylvania Schools - akoch@sylvaniaschools.org
Communications - Amy Addington - aaddington@sylvaniaschools.org
Coordinator of Foundation- Jodi Hess- jhess@sylvaniaschools.org
Northview Principal - Mark Pugh - mpugh@sylvaniaschools.org
Southview Principal - Kasey Vens - kvens@sylvaniaschools.org